Managerial Advisory Services

In order to provide our clients with a comprehensive portfolio of services, we work with specialists and subject matter experts to offer the following services

Managerial Advisory

Managerial Advisory Services

Expert Reports for financial institution

Preparation of Expert Reports for financial institutions, commercial entities, engineering companies, and the banking sector

expert reports for the disposition of properties default mortgages

Advisory and expert reports for the disposition of properties with default mortgages

Advisory in maritime disputes

Advisory in maritime disputes including the Attachment of ships in the UAE and abroad

Mortgage and re-Mortgage services

Mortgage and re-Mortgage services

Auditing and Tax Default Advisory

Auditing and Tax Default Advisory

Advisory in Acquisition and Mergers

Advisory in Acquisition and Mergers

Company establishment

Company establishment

Company restructuring

Company restructuring

Managerial Advisory Services

Converting privately owned companies to public companies and listing them in financial markets

support operations in the GCC region

Recommendation of possible strategic service providers or partners to support operations in the GCC region